Life Coach Executive Coach Individual and corporate wellness

Health PinUp™, Issue 10, Vol. 1: Summer Surprises, June 2011

Summer Splash Cleanse
The Summer Splash™ Cleanse is a great way to begin to restore your health, vitality, and peace of mind. The effect is transformative: nagging health problems diminish, extra weight drops away, and for the first time you will experience what it truly means to feel healthy. For those of you who want to skip the summer program there is one to help you transition to every season, next up: The Fall Flush™ Cleanse. Not in the mood for a cleanse? Well, there are plenty of other wonderful programs available for you at Call 917.250.0267 to find out more.

Simple Ways to Safely Enjoy the Sun
...and surprise...I am not going to say "wear your spf". Over the past few years I have slathered myself in sunscreen, going as high as spf 100, and not at all realizing the chemicals that were soaking into my bloodstream and burning my skin. There are natural sunscreens -- zinc oxide and titanium dioxide -- but even those have toxic factors...

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Health PinUp™, Issue 9, Vol. 3: Spring Awakenings, May 2011

Spring Cleaning and Summer Splashing
The Spring Cleaning™ Cleanse has been a wonderful experience and a great way to begin to restore your health, vitality, and peace of mind. The effect is transformative: nagging health problems diminish, extra weight drops away, and for the first time you will experience what it truly means to feel healthy. For those of you who missed the Spring program there is one to help you transition to every season, next up: The Summer Splash™ Cleanse. Not in the mood for a cleanse? Well, there are plenty of other wonderful programs available for you.

Healthy On-the-Go
Trying to stay healthy but always on-the-go? -- whether at the office, dining out, or living in airports -- here are some tips for you:

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Health PinUp™, Issue 9, Vol. 2: Spring Awakenings, April 2011

Spring Cleaning
How can you start? Join the Spring Cleaning™ Cleanse and begin to restore your health, vitality, and peace of mind. The effect is transformative: nagging health problems will diminish, extra weight will drop away, and for the first time you will experience what it truly means to feel healthy. What better way to welcome Spring. For those of you with seasonal allergies, this cleanse will help you rid of those toxic histamines that cause sneezing, burning eyes, congestion, and itching. Call me 917.250.0267 to reserve your spot today!! If you are not in the mood for a cleanse, there are plenty of other wonderful coaching options available for you.

De-Mystifying Allergies..."The Experiment"
Since 2006 I have been struggling with allergies. Each June I experience a new symptom. I would love to say that I've had it all...but there is always a surprise. As many of you know, it was my diagnosis with asthma in 2006 - which I have luckily rid of through various holistic practices - that started me on my journey to healing from the inside out and ultimately led me to become a health and life coach. Chronic (which is a term used to describe most inflammatory conditions like asthma, allergies, etc.) is not allowed in my vocabulary -- I really do believe there is a way to rid of all such ailments. It is mainly about taking away the band-aid treatments and getting to the core problem. Which brings me to my most recent experiment, a couple of new immune-boosting supplements that I am adding to my organic, whole, natural diet...

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Health PinUp™, Issue 9, Vol. 1: Spring Awakenings, March 2011

Spring Cleaning
How can you start? Join the Spring Cleaning™ Cleanse and begin to restore your health, vitality, and peace of mind. The effect is transformative: nagging health problems will diminish, extra weight will drop away, and for the first time you will experience what it truly means to feel healthy. What better way to welcome 2011. Call me 917.250.0267 to reserve your spot today!! If you are not in the mood for a cleanse, there are plenty of other wonderful coaching options available for you.

Health By Chocolate
"Life is short, eat dessert first", says Jacques Torres. Little did he know that it is actually beneficial. For those of you who know me well, this is something that I do often. What I didn't realize until recently, is that it actually allows me to eat less during my meal. And if you pick the right dessert, like chocolate, then there is a double benefit..cocoa powder and dark chocolate contain relatively high concentrations of epicatechin, a group of heart-healthy compounds known as flavanols, known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Surprisingly, compared to other fruits, dark chocolate and natural cocoa powder contain more antioxidants than blueberries, cranberries, and pomegranates...

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Health PinUp™, Issue 8, Vol. 3: Winter Wonders, February 2011

Skin Saving Tips
.....and "twinkle"is the key word, and might I add "from the inside out". For over a year you have been receiving news from me on how to eat well. We've chatted about the benefits of adding fruits, vegetables (including greens), grains, legumes,nuts, and water to your diet, while removing some of the more toxic foods and drinks. We have also gained an understanding of how to be more balanced with our lives. We have cleansed together, gone on health store tours, done pilates, embraced relaxation techniques, experimented with many dietary theories, and much more...but ultimately we have discovered that embracing small changes can have a large impact. This month many of you have asked that I share what I've learned about skincare; and although much of what we've encountered is the first step to glowing skin, recognizing what is in the products that you use is beyond important as well.

Green Your Beauty Routine
Start by calling me today for a complimentary consultation of your overall well-being. 917.250.0267...

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Health PinUp™, Issue 8, Vol. 2: Winter Wonders, January 2011

New Year, New You
Happy New Year! It's time to get ready for an amazing 2011. How can you start? Join the Winter Wash™ Cleanse and begin to restore your health, vitality, and peace of mind. The effect is transformative: nagging health problems will diminish, extra weight will drop away, and for the first time you will experience what it truly means to feel healthy. What better way to welcome 2011. Call me 917.250.0267 to reserve your spot today!!

Natural Cold and Flu Fighters
As soon as you feel any cold or flu symptoms, embrace some of these simple steps: Hydrate by drinking plenty of water and chai rooibus tea; Gargle with salt water to flush out bacteria and viruses; Keep your nose clean by using a saline nasal spray and tea tree oil steam...

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Health PinUp™, Issue 8, Vol. 1: Winter Wonders, December 2010

Give the GIFT OF GOOD HEALTH for the Holidays
What better way to show your family, friends, clients, and colleagues that you care than by giving them the Gift of Health? Purchase one or a series of sessions with Marianne and be the catalyst for helping others eat right, be fit, and think well. With the Gift of Health, your family, friends, clients, and colleagues will learn to "Be Healthy, Be Organized, Be Efficient, Be Balanced™". Many options are available, including the Winter Wash™ that is kicking off with the new year; a holiday discount of $189 is in effect until 12.15.10. Call 917.250.0267 to register for you or a friend/family...

A Simple Morning Routine Yields Health and Serenity
Cold, dreary winter mornings can be hard to face. The temptation to sleep can be very tempting this time of year. It may be an excellent opportunity to consider a more soothing morning routine recommended in the Ayurvedic tradition, instead of subjecting yourself to the jarring alarm that makes you jump right from bed and into your day...

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Health PinUp™, Issue 7, Vol. 3: Fall Fun, November 2010

Fabulous Fall Fun
Some deals you don't want to miss. 1) For just $189 get an entire HEALTH MAKEOVER. I will spend 3-hours with you to get rid of the junk food in your kitchen and then visit your favorite food store to choose products that will improve your health, happiness and well-being. I will answer all of your diet and food related questions, educate you on what is good, show you how to read food labels, and take the mystery out of food shopping. 2) For just $225, join the WINTER WASH CLEANSE™ in January. The Fall Flush Cleanse™ was so successful that I am doing another. Additional details and testimonials for the cleanse will be sent separately. Call 917.250.0267 and mention Fabulous Fall Fun when registering.

Beauty and Balance A-M (come back in December for N-Z)
APPLES Protects heart; Prevents constipation; Improves lung capacity;Cushions joints; APRICOTS Combats cancer; Controls blood pressure; Saves eyesight ;Shields against Alzheimer's; Slows aging; ARTICHOKES Aids digestion; Lowers cholesterol; Protects heart; Stabilizes blood sugar; Guards against liver disease; AVOCADOS Battles diabetes; Lowers cholesterol; Helps stops strokes; Controls blood pressure; Smoothes skin...

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Health PinUp™, Issue 6, Vol. 3: Summer Surprises, August 2010

Super Summer Savings
A deal you do not want to miss. For just $180, I will spend 3-hours with you to get rid of the junk food in your kitchen and then visit your favorite food store to choose products that will improve your health, happiness and well-being. I will answer all of your diet and food related questions, educate you on what is good, show you how to read food labels, and take the mystery out of food shopping. Call 917.250.0267 and mention Super Summer Savings when registering.

10 Small Changes, 10 Big Improvements
Habit changes take time. If you try to do everything at once, you become overwhelmed and snap back to your old ways. Instead, aim to incorporate one of the below into your schedule and repeat it until it becomes routine. Then, add another in the same way. Let me know when you begin to feel GREAT...

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Health PinUp™, Issue 6, Vol. 2: Summer Surprises, July 2010

Super Summer Savings
Two deals you do not want to miss. 1) For just $180, I will spend 3-hours with you to get rid of the junk food in your kitchen and then visit your favorite food store to choose products that will improve your health, happiness and well-being. I will answer all of your diet and food related questions, educate you on what is good, show you how to read food labels, and take the mystery out of food shopping. Call 917.250.0267 and mention Super Summer Savings when registering; and 2) a FREE event where you can learn proper nutrition and last minute race-day tips for your next triathlon. Join me and Mikael Hanson on 7/15 at 7pm, JackRabbit Sports 1255 Lexington Ave (84th/85th).

Declare Your Independence from Stress
If the United Stated was able to declare its independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain on July 4, 1776; then all of us can easily declare our independence from stress right now, especially when summer is in full swing.
Summer is often the best time for serious play, time off and deep relaxation. In our work-crazed society we can lose sight of the benefits of slowing down and taking time to rest and reflect. Now that summer is in full swing, it's time to enjoy the restorative powers of reconnecting to your body through movement and relaxation.

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Health PinUp™, Issue 6, Vol. 1: Summer Surprises, June 2010

Try Something New
Summer is almost here and all of a sudden everything seems more promising.The plants are in full bloom and the sun feels glorious on your skin. The longer days give you boundless energy, making you feel like it's possible to achieve all of your desires and dreams. Why not harness this energy, ride the wave of summer and try something new? Let's start together right now by embracing some easy and fun fitness goals and activities. Start by finding a workout partner or getting a group of family and friends together. If you don't have anyone in mind, visit

Recipe of the Month: Prep Once, Eat Multiple Times...
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Health PinUp™, Issue 5, Vol. 3: Spring Awakenings, May 2010

Back to the Basics
Remember how simple life was when you were a kid? You slept, ate, went to school, did homework, had play dates and didn't sweat the small stuff. Since then life has become more complex but underneath it all you are still that simple kid. Learn how to re-invent your day and get back to the basics by identifying what is important to you and getting rid of the rest.

Simple Living
Make a list of your priorities. What is important to you? What do you value most? Assess your commitments. Which of these are in line with your priorities? Evaluate your time. Re-design your day where you see inefficiencies. Simplify tasks. Only focus on what is essential, delegate some of these, say no to the rest. Limit your communications. Put a limit on when and how you handle the flow of emails, IMs, paper mail, and phone.

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Health PinUp™, Issue 5, Vol. 2: Spring Awakenings, April 2010

Spring Is In The Air
The smell of fresh cut grass, rain, and blooming flowers fill the air during Spring. For some these smells are heaven, for others they may bring allergies. But mostly, people feel lighter, freer, and happier. With the change of season often times there is a sense of renewed purpose, hope, and a more positive outlook...

Boost Memory, Mood, Energy, and Metabolism
Not only can the smell of Spring change your perspective, but certain other scents can boost memory, mood, energy, and even metabolism. Manage Your Cravings with your favorite scent. If you don't have one then experiment with green apple. Relax with the scent of orange or lavendar. This can be especially helpful before bedtime to enhance sleep. Improve Memory and Alertness with the wonderful smell of rosemary...

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Health PinUp™, Issue 5, Vol. 1: Spring Awakenings, March 2010

Embrace Your Inner Brilliance
Spring is the perfect time to embrace your inner brilliance and allow yourself to shine. The easiest way to do this is to do what you love when it comes to your career, hobbies, social events, and the like. Once you start to follow your passions you will realize the amazing possibilities of each and every day. Start by visualizing what this would look like, gain clarity, and then begin to feel the wonderful freedom from being stuck in a rut. You can start this exercise on your own, with friends, and even with the help of a health/life coach (so feel free to call Marianne Bellino, 917.250.0267). Oh and don't miss out on a Spring Into Shape 6-week Fusion Intensive course, details below.

Spring Cleaning
Most people think of their homes when they think of spring cleaning, but your body also needs a purge. There is a saying that goes, "You have to get rid of the old to make way for the new." So if you are feeling stuck or stagnant in your life, first start with spring cleaning your home, it's tactical and allows you to immediately see and feel positive change. Go through your stuff, throw out those things you haven't touched in year, and recognize how great you feel when welcomed by a serene, open, clean, and refreshing environment. Work with Marianne if you need help with office/closet/kitchen makeovers.

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Health PinUp™, Issue 4, Vol. 3: Winter Wonders, February 2010

Live Life with True Delight
"Young children truly live life as a delightful experience. We watch them in awe as they help us remember that we once felt the same way", IPEC. Reconnect with your inner kid, add some spark to your life, and have fun again...Marianne Bellino can help you enjoy your life again. Contact to sign-up for one of her many coaching programs.

Get Away and Celebrate Life
Vacations are a great way to break your routine and escape the daily pressures of life. They are relaxing, freeing, and give you the time to reconnect with your inner kid. Whether you go somewhere warm, cold, far, or close you are never too old to play on the beach, ski down a snowy mountain, ride a roller coaster, or do whatever your heart desires. Vacations can even be educational.
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Health PinUp™, Issue 4, Vol. 1: Winter Wonders, December 2009

Give the GIFT OF GOOD HEALTH for the Holidays
What better way to show your family, friends, clients, and colleagues that you care than by giving them the Gift of Health? Purchase one or a series of sessions with Marianne and be the catalyst for helping others eat right, be fit, and think well. With the Gift of Health, your family, friends, clients, and colleagues will learn to "Be Healthy, Be Organized, Be Efficient, Be Balanced™". Order your Gift of Health at a $208/session discount at

Manage the Holiday Damage
Trying to AVOID the average 7-14 lbs weight gain from Thanksgiving through January 1st? Try these tips on the days that you will be celebrating: Plan what you are going to eat and drink for the day and at an event e.g., number of drinks, etc.;
Recipe of the Month: Prep Once, Eat Multiple Times...view entire pinup

Health PinUp™, Issue 3, Vol. 3: Fall Fun, November 2009

Give the GIFT OF GOOD HEALTH for the Holidays
Can you think of a better way to show your family, friends, clients, and colleagues that you care than by giving them the Gift of Health? Purchase one or a series of sessions with Marianne and be the catalyst for helping others eat right, be fit, and think well. With the Gift of Health, your family, friends, clients, and colleagues will learn to "Be Healthy, Be Organized, Be Efficient, Be Balanced™". What a great start to the New Year. Call 917.250.0267 to order your Gift of Health.

Have More FREE Time
The holidays are just around the corner but rather than look forward you agonize over not having enough time. Make your life more efficient so you can enjoy celebrating.
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Health PinUp™, Issue 3, Vol. 2: Fall Fun, October 2009

Fun Fall News
A big thank you to everyone who endorsed Beyond Nutrition Balanced Solutions™ (BNBS™) for the Amex Shine-A-Light fund. BNBS is not one of the 3 finalists but per the above quote, there are many more seeds to plant. Check out the more exciting news at NY1:

Look and Feel Amazing
HAIR:Low-fat cottage cheese (protein adds strength), Pumpkin Seeds (zinc reduces shedding); BRAIN: Arctic Char (omega 3's improve brain function), Kale (leafy greens slow cognitive decline)...
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Health PinUp, Issue 3, Vol. 1: Fall Fun, September 2009

Spice Up Your Life
Did you know that spices have weight loss, healing, anti inflammatory and relaxation powers? Here are just some examples of how you can "spice" up your life:
Tumeric:reduces arthritic pain, indigestion, irritable bowel, pms cramps, allergies, congestion, asthma; and it is also a natural antibiotic; Cumin: helps digestion and muscle restoration...
Recipe of the Month: Prep Once, Eat Multiple Times...view entire pinup

Health PinUp, Issue 2, Vol. 3: Summer Surprises, August 2009

Melt Away Stress, Feel Better, Weigh Less
Pressure is everywhere you turn these days. It can cause your body to become stressed, go into "fight-or-flight" mode, and produce too much of the stress hormone cortisol. It is important to maintain healthy levels of this hormone by learning how to relax. Some simple techniques to try right now...
Meal of the Month: Prep Once, Eat Multiple Times...view entire pinup

Health PinUp, Issue 2, Vol. 2: Summer Surprises, July 2009

Super Summer Savings
Don't miss out on July's discounted group coaching programs. Spots are limited so call today 917.250.0267. Refer to the Super Summer Savings sent on June 19th for details.
Boost your Metabolism, Have Energy, Weigh Less: Start every day with a healthy breakfast: Otherwise your body goes into starvation mode and your metabolism slows to conserve energy.
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Health PinUp, Issue 2, Vol. 1: Summer Surprises, June 2009

Seasonal Eats (June, July, August)
Fruits: Apricots*Berries*Cantaloupe*Melons*Cherries*Figs*Grapefruit*Grapes* Limes* Nectarines*Peaches*Plums*Tomatoes...
Vegetables: Beets*Bell/Jalapeno Peppers*Butter Lettuce*Chayote/Summer/Yellow Squashes* Cukes*Garlic*Eggplant*Green Beans/Peas*Radishes*Sweet White Corn*Zucchini...
Recipe of the Month: Prep Once, Eat Multiple Times...view entire pinup

Health PinUp, Issue 1, Vol. 2: Spring Awakenings, May 2009

Seasonal Eats (March, April, May)
Fun Health Facts: Here are just a few ways to cut cholesterol without cutting taste: Prepare a pre-dinner snack. Choose protein packed edamame and almonds; forget the cheese and crackers...
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Health PinUp, Issue 1, Vol. 1: Spring Awakenings, April 2009

Seasonal Eats (March, April, May)
Fruits: Apricot, Cherimoya, Honeydew, Mango, Orange, Lime, Pineapple, Strawberries
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