Life Coach Executive Coach Individual and corporate wellness

Health PinUp™, Issue 6, Vol. 3: Summer Surprises, August 2010

Super Summer Savings

A deal you do not want to miss. For just $180, I will spend 3-hours with you to get rid of the junk food in your kitchen and then visit your favorite food store to choose products that will improve your health, happiness and well-being. I will answer all of your diet and food related questions, educate you on what is good, show you how to read food labels, and take the mystery out of food shopping. Call 917.250.0267 and mention Super Summer Savings when registering.

10 Small Changes, 10 Big Improvements

Habit changes take time. If you try to do everything at once, you become overwhelmed and snap back to your old ways. Instead, aim to incorporate one of the below into your schedule and repeat it until it becomes routine. Then, add another in the same way. Let me know when you begin to feel GREAT.

Drink Well: Stop drinking the sweet stuff. One 16-ounce bottle of regular soda contains 200 calories and more than your maximum daily intake of sugar. One a day = 72,800 calories a year = 20 lbs. Skip the juice and diet sodas as well; stick to unsweetened tea and water. Eat More Fruit: Aim for 2-3 servings a day of this fiber-rich, vitamin filled treat. Cook At Home: Prepare your own meals which allows you to control the ingredients and portions. Restaurant food is a mystery. More Sleep: If you aren't getting at least 7 hours a night, try to get to bed 30 minutes earlier until you reach this goal. Eat beans and legumes: Swap out meat a few nights a week for high-fiber, protein-filled lentils, garbanzo, fava, kidney, and black beans. Begin with Breakfast: Kick-off the morning with whole grains and protein for more energy, productivity, and a faster metabolism. Be Portion Savvy: Use small plates/bowls and read serving sizes when indulging. Get Moving: Incorporate a sweat session into your day with at least 30 minutes/day of cardio activity. Eat A Rainbow of Veggies: Add a few servings a day of every color of these phytonutrients. Have Whole Grains: Add whole wheat, brown rice, wheat berries, quinoa, and others to your day. Skip the white stuff.

Recipe of the Month: Prep Once, Eat Multiple Times

Try this stuffed veggie and grain tomato. 1 cup cooked brown rice; 2/3 cup finely chopped bell peppers (all colors); 1/2 cup reduced-fat feta cheese crumbles; 1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro or parsley; 1/4 tsp finely grated lemon peel; 11/2 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil; 1 1/2 tbsp fresh lemon juice; 1/4 tsp salt; 1/4 tsp freshly ground black pepper; 4 tomatoes. Combine all ingredients except tomatoes. Cut the top off each tomato and scoop out seeds and inner membranes. Stuff with the brown rice mixture.

Get Outdoors/Get Active

It has been a hot summer for many, so take your sports to the beach. Try kadima, frisbee, volleyball, paddle surfing and more. Jump in the water in between sets. In good health, Marianne.