Life Coach Executive Coach Individual and corporate wellness

Health PinUp™, Issue 6, Vol. 2: Summer Surprises, July 2010

Super Summer Savings

Two deals you do not want to miss. 1) For just $180, I will spend 3-hours with you to get rid of the junk food in your kitchen and then visit your favorite food store to choose products that will improve your health, happiness and well-being. I will answer all of your diet and food related questions, educate you on what is good, show you how to read food labels, and take the mystery out of food shopping. Call 917.250.0267 and mention Super Summer Savings when registering; and 2) a FREE event where you can learn proper nutrition and last minute race-day tips for your next triathlon. Join me and Mikael Hanson on 7/15 at 7pm, JackRabbit Sports 1255 Lexington Ave (84th/85th).

Declare Your Independence from Stress

If the United Stated was able to declare its independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain on July 4, 1776; then all of us can easily declare our independence from stress right now, especially when summer is in full swing.

Summer is often the best time for serious play, time off and deep relaxation. In our work-crazed society we can lose sight of the benefits of slowing down and taking time to rest and reflect. Now that summer is in full swing, it's time to enjoy the restorative powers of reconnecting to your body through movement and relaxation.

The body loves to move. Even though our body is healthiest when it is getting appropriate physical activity, many often feel dread and boredom when we hear the word "exercise". So, think for a moment of what type of movement you would consider fun as opposed to torturous. Perhaps you loathe the idea of a gym, but miss taking dance classes. Or you secretly dream about taking an IMX Pilates session in the park with me. You could play touch football with your kids, walk with a neighbor in the mornings or go for a swim. The summer offers so many choices -- it's simply up to you to choose which style of movement excites you.

Summer is a also a unique time of year when we can do both our relaxation and our movement out in nature. Take a nap in a hammock and enjoy the smell of freshly cut grass. Go to the park and meditate or read under a favorite tree. One of the greatest places to rest in the summertime is by the water, since many agree it is magical and restorative.

Whether you are relaxing, exercising or both, notice that being outside in nature has a profound way of quieting the mind and reconnecting us to ourselves. Often this relaxation and peace of mind are what our bodies crave the most. So while summer is with us, strap on your sandals and enjoy the rich elements of sun, wind and water and the nourishment that they bring.

Recipe of the Month: Prep Once, Eat Multiple Times

For your 4th of July celebration, indulge in homemade ice pops. Just 4 easy steps -- juice, pour, freeze, and eat. Be creative with blends like apples, lemon, cucumber, and ginger; or maybe even some red, white, and blue blends. You can find the pop makers at a home store near you. Make extras so you can indulge all week.

Get Outdoors/Get Active

Another fun sporty, outdoor idea: Stand Up and Paddle. Google it and let me know what you think, I am trying it out this weekend.

In good health and Happy 4th, Marianne .