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Health PinUp, Issue 1, Vol. 2: Spring Awakenings, May 2009

Seasonal Eats (March, April, May)

Refer to Spring Awakenings ~ April 2009

Fun Health Facts:
Here are just a few ways to cut cholesterol without cutting taste: Prepare a pre-dinner snack: Choose protein packed edamame and almonds; forget the cheese and crackers. Make a healthy salad: Sprinkle walnuts (omega-3's), vinegar and lemon juice; skip the croutons and creamy dressings. Grease the pan for sauteeing: Use a healthy oil, ditch the butter. Indulge for your main course: Pick ground turkey over ground beef but fish (omega-3's) beats both. Compliment with a whole grain (see Recipe of the Month below) and dark leafy greens. Enjoy a drink with your meal. Sip a glass of antioxidant rich red wine, not a sugary mixed cocktail. Etc...

Recipe of the Month: Prep Once, Eat Multiple Times

This month try the best whole grain around = QUINOA. Why is this South American seed so great? Aside from the fact that it is gluten-free, one cup cooked has 15% fewer carbs and 60% more protein than a comparable amount of brown rice; it also has 25% more fiber::

Step 1: Buy a box of organic, pre-washed quinoa
Step 2: Put 2 parts liquid (water; broth; etc), 1 part quinoa in saucepan. Boil.
Step 3: Cover and simmer until all of the liquid is absorbed (about 10 minutes)
Step 4: Cool down. Eat and also store covered in fridge (lasts 5 days)
Step 5: Enjoy all week...

As a Side:
Can be eaten plain. Or mixed with olive oil and seasonings. Or topped with sauteed veggies (refer to Recipe of the Month in Spring Awakenings~April 2009).

Or Add to:
Soups, Bean Salads, or whatever is your heart's desire.

Get Outdoors

You signed up for that running or walking event but allergies are a problem? Train early (5-9am); breathe in through your nose, out through your mouth; relax your shoulders and arms for easier breathing; shower immediately after; and most importantly, congratulate yourself for a great effort!!