Life Coach Executive Coach Individual and corporate wellness
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Stop by often as the calendar is updated regularly with fun events…

    << Mar 2010 Apr">>>    
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
  • Heath Store Tour
    • Description: Learn how to read labels, choose the right products, and make shopping a fun experience.
    • Location: Fairway, 2127 Broadway (between 74th and 75th)
    • Time: 7-8PM
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  • Heath Store Tour
    • Description: Learn how to read labels, choose the right products, and make shopping a fun experience.
    • Location: Fairway, 2127 Broadway (between 74th and 75th)
    • Time: 7-8PM
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  • Heath Store Tour
    • Description: Learn how to read labels, choose the right products, and make shopping a fun experience.
    • Location: Fairway, 2127 Broadway (between 74th and 75th)
    • Time: 7-8PM
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  • Heath Store Tour
    • Description: Learn how to read labels, choose the right products, and make shopping a fun experience.
    • Location: Fairway, 2127 Broadway (between 74th and 75th)
    • Time: 7-8PM
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  • Heath Store Tour
    • Description: Learn how to read labels, choose the right products, and make shopping a fun experience.
    • Location: Fairway, 2127 Broadway (between 74th and 75th)
    • Time: 7-8PM
  • Spring Into Shape
    • Description: A 6-week fusion intensive program filled with easy nutrition tips to significantly improve your well-being while engaging in an intense fitness routine of gyrotonics and running.
    • Location: Kinespirit, 40 East 23rd St, at Park Ave, 3rd FL
    • Time: 8-9PM